June 21, 2023
Cheers for volunteers!
Volunteers gathered in the Hub for a “catch up” over a glass of our new theatre wines.
Around 30 of our unsung, unpaid helpers heard an update on theatre matters from director Debbie Thompson and chairman Jonathan Beak.
They also got a chance to sample the new range of wines being served in the Hub thanks to our new spotlight sponsorship deal with the Beechwood Hotel, which has its very own vineyard in South Africa.
Chairman Jonathan explained how important the volunteers efforts are as the charity-run venue battles back from the impact of Covid, and outlined the reasons for recent changes – including refreshing the Hub – which are all wedded to making the theatre cost-effective to support its core role of providing community arts.
Debbie flagged up new events planned for the Hub to make more use of the space and generate more income. They include more quizzes, an open mic session, games nights – and, taking an idea from the volunteers that evening, looking at showcasing local talent in a wider range of Sunday night events.
Volunteers will be having similar meetings four times a year to get updates and to pass on feedback from themselves and the public they meet in a bid to continuously improve the theatre’s offer. The results of a survey among volunteers are also be analysed to get further feedback on what people like or where they would like to see improvements.
The theatre simply cannot run without volunteers, and is keen to listen to their views.
It is also keen to recruit more – not just in the obvious public-facing roles in the Hub and ushering in the auditorium, but also people with skills in “behind the scenes” areas including admin, data analysis and marketing, including making phone calls for our fundraising drive.
If you are interested email us at marketing@sheringhamlittletheatre.com, call the box office on 01263 822347 or drop in on Fridays to have a chat with our volunteers champion Karen Sims.