March 14, 2023
Cub Scouts enjoy theatre tour
It was the turn of Cub Scouts rather than talent scouts to visit Sheringham Little Theatre – when they came to learn about a local performance venue and the work that goes on behind the scenes.
1st Holt Cubs enjoyed a guided tour of the auditorium – where several had been in the audiences at our pantos – as well as backstage, the dressing rooms, and lighting box.
They split into groups to create their own show ideas for the venue – from hatching ideas for what they would like to see on stage to designing posters, as well as enjoying drinks and some fun games in the newly-refurbished Hub coffee bar.
They were hosted by youth group leader Ellen Waite and commercial manager Hannah Smith, who were impressed by the youngsters’ interest and enthusiasm.
Ellen said: “We explained the various job roles in the theatre from technicians to box office and volunteers. The Cubs asked all kinds of questions – as well as choosing the jobs they would like to do from welcoming the audience to performing on stage. It all goes towards them earning their Entertainer Badge – which has also seen them writing a five-minute play and making shadow puppets.”
The theatre is keen to host more tours for community groups – of all ages. If any local organisations are interested they should email theatre director Debbie Thompson at
Picture: The Cubs on stage during their theatre tour. (Credit Ellen Waite / SLT)