Robin Hood and his Merry Crew usher in panto season

Pantomime time has arrived at the Little Theatre – and our Robin Hood family show running from December 13 to January 4 will have you all of a-quiver.

There’s comedy, action, romance, battles, audience participation and a happy ending that will send you away with a warm glow, and a smile on your face.

Following the successful sell-out debut of an adult panto last year, we are doing it again, with more shows to cope with demand. Snow *hite runs from January 9-12 – but it’s strictly 18-plus.

And after a long gap there’s a return of the am dram panto staged by North Norfolk District Council, who will perform Ali Baba and the Four Tea Thieves for charity from January 31 to February 1.

Our new brochure is downloadable via this website, or pop into the theatre to pick one up – and  linger to read it over a cuppa in our welcoming Hub coffee bar.