October 18, 2024

Where there’s a will – there’s a way to help the theatre

Theatre lover Tom Dick will live on long after he’s gone thanks to his donations to his local community arts venue.

The retired corporate public relations is leaving a generous legacy to Sheringham Little Theatre where he pursues his love of ballet and opera through national screenings.

It was also favourite haunt of his partner for 44 years Julian High who died five years ago, having performed as an amateur actor and helped as a volunteer there.

The two have already donated a display of atmospheric showbiz posters on display in the Hub coffee bar as a celebration of their shared love of theatre.

Tom said: “We collected them and had them framed but didn’t have enough wall space to display them, so we were delighted to donate them to the theatre in perpetuity. It’s the perfect place for them.”

Holt-born Julian was an original member of the Sheringham Players in his early 20s and also acted at Norwich Maddermarket.

Scotsman Tom promoted vaccines to the public and politicians in the UK and Europe during his working days in the pharmaceutical industry. He was also a church organist and choirmaster and has always been interest in the arts, music and theatre.

The couple met and worked in London , then later shared a home in Spain and France before returning to Julian’s native North Norfolk.

Now Tom, who already supports Sheringham Little Theatre as a member of its Friends group, attending screenings, and dropping into the Hub for a regular cuppa, wants to help the venue after his death by writing it into his will, which is also in line with Julian’s wishes.

“The theatre is wonderful and I want it to continue. I am an only child with no relatives so I – and Julian – agreed we should leave a legacy to a place that has given us so much pleasure.”

Theatre director Debbie Thompson said: “Julian and Tom have been terrific supporters of our theatre, so we are flattered and grateful they have considered us for a legacy.

“Their names, and love of the arts, will live on through the funds they leave to help us continue and expand our work as a community arts venue catering for all ages and tastes for many years to come.”

If you would like to find out about writing SLT into your, or a relative’s, will, or how to make other donations to the theatre contact Debbie at debbie@sheringhamlittletheatre.com or call 01263 822347.

Solicitors Clapham Collinge, who are SLT sponsors, are offering a 10 per cent discount on will writing for people making contact through the theatre.

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