
Little Theatre News…

10Apr, 23
It’s never too early to plan for panto!

Spring may have sprung – but we’re already thinking about Christmas and panto time at the Little Theatre. Oh yes we are!

Our next bit of family festive fun will feature the fabulous fairytale of Cinderella – with the modern and local twist [READ MORE…]

21Mar, 23
Hobson’s Choice – to be a man of many parts

Evergreen amateur actor Peter Howell is about to step into the shoes of a cantankerous comedy character from a Victorian boot business family.

It comes just three weeks after he played a diva-ish doyen of an “am dram” group whose nose is put out of joint by a Hollywood star taking [READ MORE…]

14Mar, 23
Cub Scouts enjoy theatre tour

It was the turn of Cub Scouts rather than talent scouts to visit Sheringham Little Theatre – when they came to learn about a local performance venue and the work that goes on behind the scenes.

1st Holt Cubs enjoyed a guided tour of the auditorium – where several had been [READ MORE…]

10Mar, 23
Seaside summer drama season features two premieres

A pair of prestigious premieres feature in the newly-announced summer season drama line-up at Sheringham Little Theatre.

Shanty is a brand new comedy, with live music, based on a Cromer sea shanty singing fishermen and his family. Running from August 8-12 it charts daughter Shanty’s creation of a band to tackle [READ MORE…]

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